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Chinese domain technology and easy solution for government office automation s
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Chinese domain easy to political office automation system HY-EAOffice Technology Co., Ltd. Guangdong China domain architecture developed in the HY-EAGOV Kernel Service and the HY-EAGOV Integration Tools e-government products on top of an important series, based products, It implements the governmen t received the text within the department, issued a document, meetings, archives, information publications, internal affairs, public information, support personal office, internal business processes and other business of the electronic, information technology and automation to enhance the Government within the department communication and collaboration within government departments at all levels of business efficiency, and promote optimal performance of government departments at all levels to promote the Government's internal business process reengineering and functional innovation. Features * Structure in the HY-EAGOV Kernel Service and the HY-EAGOV Integration Tools above; * Based on J2EE architecture, architecture in the application server on top, cross-platform, high portability • Fast, flexible, and improve workflow customization * To facilitate the data query, powerful statistical analysis * Simple and clear, flexible interface and human-computer interaction * High degree of scalability, integration • Open, secure interfaces for interoperability and third-party systems * Use of component-based, platform and modular design Support for remote office and mobile office System structure Features • Establish internal communication and information dissemination platform; * To achieve the circulation of various documents, according to custom workflows, and issued a document, to close text, instruction documents, meetings, archives, etc. to be done, approval procedures; * To achieve the automation of work flow and process flow of real-time monitoring and tracking; * Implement automated document management, all kinds of knowledge and information stored in an orderly manner, and permissions can be used to query; * Achieve personal office management, information technology, for personal mail, personal calendar, management of personal activities * Implement the full meetings management; Support for remote office network, distributed offices and mobile office; Support for information integration, data from various operational systems will be integrated into existing office automation system; * Files can be managed in full accordance with national standards, the filing of files, archiving, destruction loan processing, you can find by searching archives; * Vehicles can be managed; Can be fixed assets management;
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